Soil Science

Soil Science Overview

While this remains controversial, it is important to note that the quest to produce adequate amount of food to feed a growing population is still dependent on soil. Soil Science deals with the study of the earth surface for various purposes including food production and construction of infrastructure such as roads, drainage, and factories. It involves studying the formation of soils, their classification, composition (physical, chemical and biological) and management. Soil is home to millions of micro-organisms; this is why it is sometimes referred to as a “living entity”. The destruction of soil biodiversity negatively influences other aspects of the ecosystem including food production and environmental management and protection. Besides this and in addition to its contributions to food production and construction, soil has also been discovered to play a major role in climate change adaptation and mitigation through carbon sequestration.
Soil science has various sub-disciplines including paedology which deals with the study of the original state of soils. That is the genesis and classification of soils. Other branches including soil physics, chemistry, fertility, mineralogy, biology and survey may be classified under soil edaphology which deals with the study of soil in relation to its uses. To sensitize the public on the discipline and its role in human civilization, the United Nations declared the 5th of December annually as World Soil Day. Every year, the event is marked in line with different themes to create public awareness on specific soil related issues. Let’s assist you with creating collaborative research spaces for innovations in soil science and other sub-disciplines of agriculture.