Sensory and Food Quality

Sensory and Food Quality Overview

Food have sensory quality that influence consumer’s preference through psychological and physiological triggers. The sensory quality of food deals with its taste or flavour, aroma or smell, texture and view. For example, vegetables and fruits are usually expected to have sharp and bright colours; therefore, a slight discoloration and distortion of shape triggers an unhealthy perspective from consumers who may decide not to purchase such foods. Most consumers naturally associate the safety and nutritional quality of food with its looks and smell long before it is even consumed. Invariably, perceived food quality is hugely dependent on its sensory qualities.
The sensory qualities of food are influenced by varying factors some of which include storage and preservation methods, its variety, existing climatic condition such as temperature and relative humidity. Time of harvest also influences sensory quality as foods that have been stored for longer periods after harvest have less fresh smell and bright colours when compared with freshly harvested produce. While raw food naturally has sensory qualities, these qualities may also be influenced by additives such as flavourings and colourings in food processing. Some additives beyond improving colour and flavour also improve the nutrient quality of processed food. At Tengrain Science we promote innovative research that ensure good quality of sensory characteristics of food.