Sensory and Consumer Sciences

Sensory and Consumer Sciences Overview

It is often said that “costumer is king” that a “customer is always right”. While many argue that both phrases exaggerate the place of customers who leverage on them to be unruly, it is important to note that without customers (consumers), the essence of businesses would be lost. Businesses are driven by the forces of demand and supply. That is how much a business is able to supply products based on the needs/demands of consumers. Consumers are central to the agricultural value-chain. They are the reason food is produced, processed and distribution across regions. Consumers are the reason businesses aim to be at their best performance at all times.
Sensory and consumer science are pivotal to product development. The sustainability of every business lies in its ability to create value for its demography of customers. A business which decides to meet its own needs rather than those of customers is only a few steps away from failure. This is why sensory and consumer science is important. It enables businesses analyse the needs pf consumers either through focus group discussions, interviews, surveys, and opinion polls. These are carried out with the aim of receiving feedback which forms the basis of products to be development to meet the specific needs identified. Sensory and consumer science can also be adopted to improve on previously existing products. Food producers leverage on the discipline to produce food products that appeal to the senses (taste, smell, sight) of consumers. That is, food products with high sensory quality including fresh and bright coloured foods with fresh smell and great taste. Tengrain Science provides a range of services targeted at ensuring the availability of good and healthy food all year round.