Rehabilitation, Plant Pathology

Rehabilitation, Plant Pathology Overview

Pest and disease infestation are major setbacks to agricultural production globally. Despite the use of agrochemicals and other control and elimination remedies, the Food and Agriculture Organisation reports that nearly half of the world’s annual food production is lost to crop pest and diseases. The effect of chemicals on climate change impact and human health currently calls for a reduction in the use of these chemicals and the adoption of more eco-friendly techniques. Also, the scarcity and hike in prices of agrochemicals due to the ongoing Russian-Ukraine war is another reason to reconsider the use of agrochemicals in crop production. However, the elimination of agrochemicals from crop production creates a huge void to be filled by sustainable techniques considering that the benefits of these chemicals are quite significant.
Plant pathology studies plant diseases and proffers efficient management techniques that ensure continued production of food. The dynamics of climate change has been discovered to contribute to plant diseases by changing the physiology of crops and breaking their resistance to different natural conditions including their inability to fight against diseases. Rehabilitation in agriculture therefore ensures the restoration of farming activities to previous natural conditions following climate change impact. This would involve applying an understanding of plant pathology and its evolution to address the effects of climate change and ensuring that despite prevailing environmental conditions, innovations are applied in line with traditional methods. The approach prevents the loss of species and destruction of ecosystems as well as maintain sustainable ecosystem functions. Tengrain Science has a team of experts available for consultations on the effective management of plant diseases through plant pathology for rehabilitation. Please call us today.