Food Engineering and Technology

Food Engineering and Technology Overview

Food engineering is the application of science and technology in the production, processing, handling and storage of food. It facilitates the availability of more varieties of improved, safe, and quality food all year round. Food engineering processes are evidenced in refrigeration, evaporation, heat transfer and energy used for processing and packaging.
The history of food engineering dates as far back as the mid-20th century when it was initially applied to reduce post-harvest losses. Today, the field leverages on technology for its application across the agricultural value-chain. Technology can be applied to improve the taste, appearance and nutrient content of food. The use of microwave for pasteurizing milk to extend its shelf-life, three-dimensional (3D) food printing, and the use of biosensors in standardization and quality control are recent developments in food engineering.

However, despite the progress made in the industry, food engineering faces challenges such as uncertainties relating to its sustainability. More consumers are interested in natural food production, processing, and handling methods while environmental enthusiasts consistently emphasize the dangers of unsustainable high-energy food production methods. Because we understand the importance of technological innovations to agricultural development, Tengrain Science actively creates collaborative research spaces for clients in the application of technology within the food industry.