Dairy Science

Dairy Science Overview

Dairy industry accounts for the largest share of the global food supply chain. It is estimated that at least 276 pounds of milk is consumed by an average American daily. The industry in 2019 was valued at over $700 million and is expected to reach over $1 trillion by 2024. This stresses the importance of dairy science which deals with the study of all aspects of dairy production, including sourcing and application of technology in its manufacturing. The dairy industry supplies many consumer and industry products including cheese, butter, and milk that can be utilized as raw materials in other production processes. Milk and butter for example are raw materials used in bakeries.
Due to its importance, dairy science involves series of researches for innovative and sustainable processing, marketing and consumption amidst the contribution of livestock to climate change. As a result of the footprint of livestock experts encourage the consumption of plant based/non-dairy sources of milk such as soybean, peanut, almond, coconut and sesame milk which are sometimes considered healthier than dairy. Innovations from dairy science however can eliminate these concerns and ensure that the sourcing of dairy from livestock is less harmful to the environment. Our team of experts are available to provide you with expert advisory services.