
Apiculture Overview

Without pollination, plants are unable to successfully reproduce. Wind, water, animals, bees, and insects are responsible for pollination which ensures the production of seeds within a crop’s production cycle. It is estimated that 80% of naturally occurring pollination are carried out by bees which are also reared for other benefits. Beekeeping with little to no technical and educational requirement serves as a tool for generating employment and income especially amongst rural women.
As pollinators, bees provide a low-cost option of balancing the ecosystem by ensuring that crops reproduce when due. With the rising awareness on the harmful effects of consuming high amounts of sugar to the human body, more companies in the food industry are demanding higher amounts of honey to serve as natural sweeteners in food products.

Honey is also used in medicine, and in the manufacture of cosmetics and hair care products. As such, the market value of apiculture is estimated to grow by over 2% within the next 6years with China having the largest market share by country, and food and beverages by application. Among other factors, the industry is threated by climate change, shortage of bee forage, absconding colonies, honeybee poisoning and infection etc. However, our team of experts are available to meet your training needs and build your capacity on apiculture.