Agricultural Extension

Agricultural Extension Overview

An integral component and outcome of agricultural development is research. Research births new innovations and drives result-oriented processes that facilitate development. Agricultural extension bridges the gap between farmers and researchers that is, it provides advisory services to farmers based on new trends in the field. It also ensures farmers have access to information on markets, prices of input and outputs, government policies and interventions, potential risks, and disasters. Over the years, extension services have transitioned beyond the provision of information to include farmers’ coaching. These trainings provided help increase productivity and income levels, reduce poverty, build sustainable food systems, and improve rural livelihoods.
With technological innovations, organisations provide digital extension services to farmers with no physical presence required. Leveraging technology enables sustained linkages against the backdrop of challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic. However, digital extension is more practicable in developed countries where farmers have ready access to improved technologies. In developing countries where extension services are provided traditionally, the system is faced with issues like shortage of extension staff, inadequate information and low capacity of extension service providers. It is therefore imperative to note that digital extension is the future especially as many sectors leverage technology to improve efficiency of problem-solving strategies. Tengrain Science is available to provide expert advisory services to businesses considering the development of agricultural extension products and services. Contact us today with all your enquiries.